Rotating Highlights - Social Media
When using the rotating highlights widget, if your company has an account on instagram or youtube for example, you can activate this feature on your portal and you will be able to automatically publish the latest publications from your social networks.
Highlight rotation;
Integration with your YouTube and Instagram account;
Display on Fluig Mobile platform.
Rotating Highlights - Vertical
This widget is quite versatile. You can use, for example, to display news and news, the photo gallery of the market events that the company participates in, a product catalog with the description of each one of them or even the videos that are part of its corporate TV.
Content editor - Intranet by digte
With the Intranet by Digte - Content Editor widget you will be able to add static content rich on your pages, such as texts, videos, images and tables, to your page.
Customization accompanied by your company's themes
Insertion of content of any kind (videos, texts, images and tables)
Editing HTML (static content)
Fluig Mobile platform display
Compliments and recommendations
Make it possible for employees to send compliments or recommendations to another employee. The compliment and recommendation will appear on the employee's resume after approval.
Accept of praise
Control who and when did the compliment
Fluig Mobile platform display
The data comes from the PRAISE form in the "Digte Intranet / Content / Additional User Data" folder.
This widget will allow compliments to be sent to a user of the TOTVS Fluig Platform. The compliment received will be displayed in the Curriculum widget, where the user receiving the compliment will be able to approve or not approve the compliment so that it is presented in their resume.
Company Structure
Make the company structure available so that employees can understand roles and responsibilities.
Profile access
Registration of various structures (organization charts)
TOTVS Fluig Platform users and not TOTVS Fluig Platform
Fluig Mobile platform display
The data comes from the COMPANY STRUCTURES form in the "Digte Intranet / Content" folder. This form depends on the job title of the folder "Digte Intranet / Content / Company Structures / Jobs"
This widget will list users in the form of hierarchy, and this connection between the departments and their responsible is made via registration on the form, eg: register the Presidency department with João as responsible, then register the departments Financial and Commercial Director responding to the Presidency department.
Assist your employees in the search for documents to solve their frequently asked questions or to find rules and procedures.
Integrated with ECM
Access security
Search by name and content
Opening with viewer
Root folder definition
Fluig Mobile platform display
Inform the ECM folder that should be listed, and we may have different folders for Portuguese (Por), Spanish (Es) and English (En).
Fluig Analytics - Digital Workplace by Digte
Do you have a need to measure employee satisfaction within the workplace?
With the “Humor” widget, employees can choose their mood at that moment and insert a sentence explaining their current state.
In this widget you will find:
_Definition of icons, colors and titles by mood
_Segmentation by profile
Discreet layout
Favorite Items
Provide quick access to employee favorite items.
Quick Access to your favorite items
Color customization
Fluig Mobile platform display
This widget will list the user's favorite records, it will be possible to define the number of records displayed.
Fluig Identity Application Menu
Speed up access to Fluig Identity applications configured for the employee.
Logo format
Logo size
Name position
Items brought directly from the user's Fluig Identity
Fluig Mobile Platform
Fluig Identity applications will be presented with the possibility of configuring the size of the icons and the position of the presentation of the application name.
Button Menu
With the button menu widget, you can create custom buttons on company pages that will direct the user to internal or external platform links, quickly and easily.
Inserting icons
Customization of height, width, space between each button and other parameters
Links for each button
Fluig Mobile platform display
Links Menu
Provide employees with a list of links in the form of a menu to access internal or external content.
Menu Levels
Horizontal and Vertical Layout
Security by User / Group
Fluig Mobile platform display
The data comes from the LINKS MENU form in the "Digte Intranet / Content" folder.
This widget will display the links informed in the form, with the colors defined in the parameter tab of the widget. Icons can be defined for the items and it can also be displayed at the top of the page. It can also be defined whether the link's opening will be inside or outside the page.
Mini menu
With the mini menu widget you can add buttons to the menu bar of your TOTVS Fluig Platform, making it easy to access important links, documents or media in a discreet and harmonic way.
Access to links
Permission per user
Discreet layout
Inserting images and texts
Fluig Mobile platform display
New Publication - Intranet by Digte
Create publications on your timeline or that of a community.
Color customization
Fluig Mobile platform display
Define whether the publication will be on your timeline or a specific community.
Present news and news to employees.
Information by user or group
Start and end date
Custom images and text
Display on Fluig mobile platform
The data comes from the NEWS form in the "Digte Intranet / Content" folder.
This widget will list the records of the form informed by searching the ECM. Linked images and description will be displayed. It will be possible to define how many records will be presented, order of presentation, start and end date of the novelty.
RSS News
The news is part of the daily communication of companies. To give the due attention that this information needs, use the "RSS News" widget.
Inform employees of the company's most important offers or sales fields.
Information by user or group
Start and end date
Custom images and text
Fluig Mobile Platform
The data comes from the OFFERS form in the "Digte Intranet / Content" folder.
This widget will list the records of the form informed by searching the ECM. Linked images and description will be displayed. It can be defined how many records will be presented per line.
Company partnerships
Present the list of company partnerships with suppliers and their benefits for employees.
Information by user or group
Fluig Mobile platform display
The data comes from the PARTNERSHIP form in the "Digte Intranet / Content" folder. This form is related to the CATEGORIES form, in the "Digte Intranet / Content / Partnerships" folder.
This widget will list the form's records, linked images and description.
Surveys and Polls
Surveys and surveys are fun ways to increase employee engagement, in addition to serving a useful purpose when gathering interesting information, and with the surveys and surveys widget this is easier to apply on your company's portal.
Lists all polls in a folder
Only presents unanswered polls and within the defined deadline
Fluig Mobile platform display
Use Policy - Intranet by Digte
If your company has a code of conduct or a code of ethics, with the use policy widget you can present this add-on at the user's first access and request acceptance to continue browsing.
Preview for usage policy
Acceptance request
Possibility of renewal of acceptance
Fluig Mobile platform display
External Plugins
With the External Plugins widget, your company can make third-party features or applications available on the Fluig platform pages such as Hand Talk, chatbots in general, weather and weather resources, among other options.
Ranking and Indicators
List form contents that can contain the sales ranking with photo of the participants coming straight from the profile, production summary, list of indicators with total.
Adaptable for listing forms with any theme
Fluig Mobile platform display
The data comes from the Indicators form in the "Digte Intranet / Content / Indicators / Indicators" folder.
The concept of these widget is that it will list the records of the forms that have the indicator code informed in the Code field, and the column names are also configurable.
The form allows you to define the presentation sequence, the user involved via e-mail and the corresponding value. The amount must already be informed, already formatted (ex: R $ 103.22).
If it is a total record, inform that it is total and corresponding value.
List form contents that can contain the sales ranking by presenting on a map.
Google Maps
Configurable columns
Fluig Mobile platform display
Adaptable for listing forms with any theme
We are a family owned and operated business.
The data comes from the Indicators form in the "Digte Intranet / Content" folder. This form is related to the STORES form.
These widget will list the records of the forms that have the indicator code informed in the Code field, and the column names are also configurable.
The form allows to define the presentation sequence, the user involved through e-mail, unit (store) and corresponding value. The amount must already be informed, already formatted (ex: R $ 103.22).
If it is a total record, inform that it is total and corresponding value.
Timeline - Digital Workplace by Digte
Follow the posts on a timeline with the TOTVS Fluig Platform workplace template customizations.
Color customization
Fluig Mobile platform display
Define how many records will be displayed.
Exchange company and unit
Access Tutorial
The tutorial access widget was created so that you can personalize the first navigation of your employees on the portal, explaining which are the most important items in a dynamic and interactive way.
Build your own tutorial
Customize the tutorial colors
All pages accept the insertion of the tutorial
Fluig Mobile platform display
Corporate TV
Have you ever imagined a large gallery of images, videos or personalized content on your company's television? By using the “Corporate TV” widget, you activate this feature on your portal and will be able to automatically and rotate content on computers or televisions.
Present the vacancies available at the company.
Information by user or group
Fluig Mobile platform display
The data comes from the VAGAS form in the "Digte Intranet / Content" folder.
This widget will list the form's records, linked images and description.
Data Load Wizard
Using the “Data Load Wizard” you can import and export all user data from your TOTVS Fluig Platform environment, and also the possibility to delete all records from a form that has an associated dataset.