The solution both on-premises and SaaS model follow the same configuration concepts.
When installing the product, a set of standard records are automatically created to provide the customer with an initial version of the admission process, with this record being "Types of Attachments", "Steps", "Model Journeys". Other records are created, but they are for internal use by the solution.
The main steps in product configuration are:
Creation of integration: registration where data related to integration with the payroll and Google's API's environment (OCR-Artificial Intelligence and Signature Kits) are informed
Creation of document types: register where the contract templates and other documents that will be signed or delivered to the candidate are created
Creation of subscription kit: registration where the sets of types of documents corresponding to an admission journey are created (Ex: Manager, Director, Coordinator)
Journey stage creation: record where the steps that the candidate will go through to provide data and documents (Ex: RG, Electoral Title). This register already has standard records that can be customized
Creation of admission journey: register where the sets of steps relevant to a type of contract are created (Ex: Manager, Director, Coordinator
The Document Type are the document templates that will be sent to the candidate to sign, and they are grouped inside a signing kit that we will see later.
In a type of document, the user can define the contract drafts or any other type of content and use variables that are in the process form, thus allowing personalized and dynamic documents.
Types of documents

Main fields:
Document Name: name for the type of document;
It has a signature: documents that do not require a signature can be generated, as they are merely informative (ex: bank suggestion for salary account);
Situation: can be disabled the type of document;
Document content:
In this area, the document content can be developed and linked to the variables that are available in the buttons on the side (Dynamic Buttons). By placing the cursor in the document and clicking a variable button the variable will be included automatically.
The variable has the following format {{VARIABLE_NAME}}. Attention: do not change the content inside the brackets "{{}}".
Various graphic resources can be included in the content (Tables, Iinks, colors, fonts).
Tip: when building a document that has a signature, the referring part of the company may already be an image of the signature included in the document, this way only the candidate's signature will be missing.
The Subscription Kit is the set of document types that have been grouped for various types of hires, eg a manager has 3 types of documents to sign and an analyst has only 2.
Subscription kit

Main fields:
Description: description of what the subscription kit is about;
Document Kit: the types of documents that make up the subscription kit;
Situation: May be disabled from subscription kit.
You Attachment Types are the documents and images that will be provided by the candidate during the admission process, they will be used in the configuration of the stages of the admission journey.
Attachment Types

Main fields:
Code: attachment type code;
Name: attachment type name (ex: cnh - front);
Expires?: indicates that this type of document expires in the number of days after being created in document management;
Change Size of the images?: indicates if any treatment will be done on the received image:
No: nothing will be done with the image. Even in this case the solution is set to compress all images to make them a maximum of 2MB;
Dimension: in this case it will be compressed to have size (height x width) defined in pixels (px);
Size in bytes: in this case it will be compressed to be as the size in bytes informed.
OCR?: indicates that the image will go through the OCR-IA system, considering the similarity if a percentage is defined. Details about the OCR-IA :
OCR is in an evolution phase and each client is learning more to understand documents, as it is based on an Artificial Intelligence tool;
He is currently prepared to evaluate CNH (Front/Back), RG (Front/Back), CPF (Front), Voter Title and Proof of Address;
In the case of proof of address, the operation is to search for data within the document among the user. This type of document will accept PDF and images generated by cell phone cameras (png, jpeg, jpg);
CNH, RG, CPF and Voter's Title is prepared for reading images generated by cell phone cameras (png, jpeg, jpg).
The digital admission process is based on a process flow and within this process we create the possibility to customize the existing steps and create other steps. These steps will be used in the registration of the Admission Journey that we will see later.
It is considered a step when (examples below):
Acceptance of terms (Ex: LGPD)
Delivery of documents (Ex: CNH, RG)
Answers to questions (Ex: Do you want transportation vouchers?)
Include control points (Ex: HR validates documents and information before generating a contract)
Possible customizations:
Change field titles;
Change messages sent by email and SMS;
Create more document submission steps;
Create more attachments for submission;
Create more steps with free questions of types:
Yes/No limited to 5 questions;
Limited speech up to 5 questions;
Limited number up to 5 questions;
Date limited to 5 questions.
Stages of the admission journey

Main fields:
Public form code: select option digital admission ;
Step: step code;
NOTE: this field accepts numbers only.
Description: step description;
Help: there is the possibility of releasing the consultation of the hiring situation;
NOTE: this field is used to signal a help for the step to the user.
Action: in this field, the text action that the candidate must perform when performing the step is informed. It can be used to guide or give tips on how to take the picture or welcome you;
Link Action : This is the link that will be used by the solution when sending emails and SMS. It is automatically generated on registration. In case of changing the DNS (url) of the server, it is important to change this field;
Enable Action button?: there are steps that symbolize the end of the process and with this feature the send button can be eliminated;
Action button position: buttons can be positioned at the Top (Above) of the screen or at the bottom of the screen (Bottom);
Action button name: the name of the submit button can be customized "next document";
Button color in Action : button border color can be customized;
Step Email Subject : There are steps that trigger emails and the subject can be customized. You can use process variables here using {{VARIABLE_NAME}}. When SMS triggering occurs, the subject will be SMS content;
"See more details" about triggering email and SMS in standard steps.
Step email content: there are steps that trigger emails and the subject can be personalized. You can use process variables here using {{VARIABLE_NAME}}. In the case of the link to access the process, the variable is "{{linkInsert}}";
"See more details" about triggering email and SMS in standard steps.
Process Activities Linked in Step: A Step is Linked process activities that control the entire admission flow, here the connection is made as well as the target activity of this step. For the case of digital admission, the fields: "Result", "Result Field Form" and "Deadline" do not apply;
Configuration of Form Fields in the Step: a step controls the access of fields and objectives of the process form, being able to:
Start - Modify : allows the field to be changed by the user;
Start - Reading : allows the field to be presented as reading only for the user;
Consult : the field will only be displayed on the process public consultation screen;
Both : the field will be available for modification and consultation;
Not visible : the field will be removed from the screen.
Attachments requested in the Step: defines the attachments that will be requested in the step;
Allow choice of attachment group? : indicates that attachments can be grouped by theme (eg group "CHN", double-sided attachments). It is possible to define the description of the choice field to better guide the user;
Attachment Group : name of the grouper;
Attachment Order: sequence number that will be used to order attachments;
Attachment Description : is the name of the attachment that will be presented to the user;
Attachment Type : attachment type code that defines OCR treatments or image compression;
Attachment Root Folder : folder for electronic document management that will receive the attachment;
Attachment Folder name field: field of the admission form that will be used to create the folder inside the root folder;
Create subfolder? : if marked as yes , a subfolder will be created inside the folder related to the field with the name defined in the attachment description;
Yes : the attachment will be displayed in red and the step will not be completed without it;
No and Red : the attachment will be displayed in red but it will not be mandatory;
No and Gray : the attachment will be displayed in Gray but it will not be mandatory;
Form : it can be added via form customization;
Steps that have an e-mail/SMS trigger for the Candidate in the Digital Admission process
The pre-registered steps below are already prepared to have an e-mail/SMS available to the candidate:
010 - Commencement and acceptance of the LGPD Term;
910 - Notify Delayed Submission of Documents;
800 - Sign Contract (indicate the need to sign the contracts);
810 - Accept Contract (message after signing the contracts with the attached contracts );
820 - Accept Contract (message after contract rejection);
920 - Notify Contract Signing Delay;
Notifications by email to the HR team occur via process configuration and at the time of project setup they will be configured, and can be changed at any time by the HR team in the on-premises model or via call (suporte@digte.com .br) in the SaaS model.
The Admission Journey aims to unite all the configurations in a way that describes all the steps that the candidate will go through in their digital admission process.
Admission day

Main fields:
Public Form: inform the already registered code "admissao_digital";
Journey Code: code identifier of the journey, we suggest that they be numbers or letters ( no space and no special characters);
Description : description of what the journey is about;
Subscription Kit : choose which subscription kit will be linked to the admission day and which will be sent at the time of the subscription process;
Stages of the Journey:
Order : indicates the sequence in which step will be presented to the candidate;
Step : choose the step that will be presented;
Deadline (Nr Hours) : set the number of hours to complete the step. This will generate notification to the candidate (email/SMS)
Do you consider the destination of the step? : it is possible to consider as the target activity of the process the activity represented by the step (field: Activity Code) or its target activity (field: Target Activity Code)
Conditional fields : 3 fields were made available to condition the execution of the stage in the journey. E.g.: Reservist document must be requested only for males over the age of 18:
Field1/Field2/Field3 : form fields to carry out the condition.
Op1/Op2/Op3 : comparison condition with value
Value1/Value2/Value3 : value to be compared
The integration page in the menu of the SaaS solution or in TOTVS Fluig Plataforma, you will find the option to provide the data that enable integration with payroll and Google API's.

Main fields:
Main Url: Url of generic services from Google API;
Service Url: Services Url Integration of Payroll Google API;
Login and Password: username and password for connecting to Google API services;
OCR Url: Url of the Google API OCR (Artificial Intelligence) service;
Login and Password : username and password for connecting to Google API OCR (Artificial Intelligence) services;
Url ERP: Url of Web Services / Rest services of the payroll solution;
Login and Password : username and password for connecting to payment services.