Configuration and use
Page setup and layout
Public Form by Digte widgets can be used on standard product pages, or on other user-defined pages
Regarding the layout used, the Public Form by Digte is compatible with product layouts and also with TOTVS Fluig Plataforma standard layouts
Configuration and use - Start processes widget
Process and Form Settings - Documents > Public Form by Digte > Records > Process Settings
Through the Start Process Widget on the public page of TOTVS Fluig Plataforma WCM, it is possible to present the form of a TOTVS Fluig Plataforma BPM process, add an attachment and start the request
It can be used in any type of process, enabling the solutions:
Registration of new franchisee;
New partner registration;
Registration of candidates for the vacancy;
Request for truck access to the warehouse;
Inclusion of a new product by a supplier;
Inclusion of sales orders.

Public Form Code: this is the code that will be referenced by the other components in order not to expose the actual process code
User and password that starts the process: the process needs a user and password that will start the process. If the password is changed, this record must be revised.
Process: which BPM process will be started.
Initial Activity: inform which activity is intended after the beginning of the process.
Allow to send attachments: defines whether or not the user can attach a file
At the end, send it to the query screen and URL: if desired, at the end of the beginning of the request, the user can be forwarded to the indicated query screen. It is important to inform the complete URL of the page.
Adding Field: here it will be defined which form fields will be the identification of the request and which will be visible or not.
Form field: defines which process form field will be used.
Table/Object Field Screen : defines if the field will be displayed inside any HTML table or object in general. E.g.: divs, tables, etc. Just enter the “name” attribute of the object in this field.
Description: defines the name that will be used in the query screen.
Identification: defines if it is a key field that identifies the request (ex: CNPJ, RG). This field will be used on the query screen.
Visible in Public Form: Defines whether the field will be displayed on Start-Modify, Start-Read, Query, Both, or Not Visible.
Action: Defines whether the field will be displayed in Include, Query, Both or Not Visible.
Page and widget configuration

Test Page “Public Form by Digte – Start”: This page was created at installation and can be used as an example for other public pages. It already comes with the widget installed and only needs to be configured.
TOTVS Fluig default stub: TOTVS Fluig default stub is only presented to the user when the page is in a private environment where username and password were used. This feature is available in the Public Form by Digte layout created at installation.
Public or Private: to find out if a page is public or private, pay attention to the “p” parameter of the browser's URL, see the example:
Public: <fluig server>/portal/01/Type Dpf Request
Private: <fluig server>/portal/p/01/Type Dpf Request
Start Process widget: This is available in the “Custom / Public Form by Digte” widget group and can be included on any page.
Public Form Code: indicate which Public Form code refers to this public page, which was registered in the form “Public Form by Digte – Settings”
Page and Widget Configuration - Part 2

The public page can be called from within another site (eg institutional) via an “iframe” feature.
The form will appear and the user will inform the fields indicated for presentation. It will also be possible to include multiple attachments if configured to do so.
The user clicks on send and the BPM process will be started within TOTVS Fluig Plataforma.
Obs* : If you put the wrong user password when setting up the Process Configuration, it will cause an error in the Submission of the Public Form.

Configuration and use - Widget query processes
Through the widget Consult Processes on the public page of TOTVS Fluig Plataforma WCM, it is possible to consult status, fields of the TOTVS Fluig Plataforma BPM process, add attachments and messages.
It can be used in any type of process, enabling:
Define which form fields will be search keys
See which activity the process is in
Define which activities will be presented
Use custom names for activities
Provide instructions for each activity
Enable sending attachments to the process
Enable sending messages to the process
Present the process in a linear way
See the slides below how to configure and use:
Use this form to register a pattern of the most used documents
Setup and Use - Document Type
Use this form to create Persona Journey steps, activities, etc.
Journeys are used to organize the stages of a process.
Setup and use - Journey form
Learn different techniques in Public Form by Digte for use on public pages.