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4 tips to generate more engagement with Timeline Widget

Digte News

Generating engagement within the portal can sometimes be a challenge, especially when you don't have the right tools. Thinking about this, the Digital Workplace by Digte has as its main objective to be a corporate portal focused on communication and engagement among employees, and this becomes even more possible through the Timeline Widget.

This component works like a corporate social network, in which you can post, like, comment, favorite, and even follow your co-worker's profile! In addition to all this, our component allows you to organize the posts, whether they are the most recent or the oldest.

And in this article we will give you 4 amazing tips on how to generate more engagement to your portal through the Timeline Widget. Let's go!

Filter contents

Within the portal there are several sectors and departments, and when the subject matter is not filtered for the right audience, it can make communication outdated and confusing. So create communities for each department, so you can make posts with subjects for a targeted audience, making communication more effective and your audience more engaged.

Get objective communication

Be careful with images, videos, and texts that can be extremely tiring and long! Your users expect all information, news, and alerts to be conveyed objectively and clearly.

And don't forget to present yourself according to your company's culture. For example, if your company has a more informal culture, don't make posts that are too formal, this will cause a strange feeling in your users and even a dislike to use the portal. Be careful when introducing yourself!

Remember that by transmitting a cleaner and more objective message you will see how much your collaborators will interact in the posts and you will have a more engaged and efficient portal.

Visually attractive content

How many times have you stopped at a post and liked it just because the image caught your attention? Many times you have even commented on the subject. This is the effect of a well-made visual content.

There are studies that indicate that some 90% of the information transmitted from our brain is visual, and that images are processed some 60,000 times faster, and the information is stored in our brain for much longer.

So don't be afraid to create images and videos! Make interactive and interesting content, subjects, within the company's industry, that are hot at the moment and pass on information in a creative and attractive way. This will make your employees feel encouraged to comment and like your publications, generating a greater engagement and creating a relationship within the company.

Create themes and celebrate dates

Nothing better than to generate engagement through themes and commemorative dates! To create a good relationship with your employees allow them to have an active participation within the portal is fundamental.

Therefore, launch challenges, create themes, hold competitions, and punctuate commemorative dates. This way you allow your collaborators to interact in an active way in the portal, and this will make them feel that they are fundamental pieces within the organization. In addition to generating greater engagement among employees.

So, did you like our tips? Interested in finding out more about the Timeline Widget? Contact us through the channels: or +55 (11) 99962-1029. We are waiting for you!

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