Start admission process
To start a process and digital admission, the user must activate the option to start a new request .

The form will be presented that has information that will be informed by the HR team and the candidate.

The form information is separated with sections as below:
Contact details: information necessary to contact the candidate, e-mail and optional telephone numbers being mandatory. If you want an SMS to be triggered, the area code and cell phone need to be informed.

Hiring Data: information necessary to create the candidate as an employee on the payrolls . The search fields (zoom) already bring the values directly from the payroll, not requiring additional registrations.
In this session, the Company/Branch field must be filled in first , as the other fields will follow the defined Company/Branch.
Another important field is Digital Admission Journey , this field will define all the steps for the candidate.

Personal Data: This is information necessary to create the candidate as an employee on the applicant's responsibility payrolls . The search fields (zoom) already bring the values directly from the payroll, not requiring additional registrations.
When filling in the PIS field, it will be validated with eSocial if there is any pending and will be presented to the candidate. If there are pending issues, the process will not continue.
The only mandatory field for the HR team to fill in this session is the CPF , as at this time it will be validated in the IRS database, and the Full Name and Birth Date fields will also be automatically fed with the IRS data.

eSocial data: these fields are only seen by the HR team and have the results of the eSocial evaluation.

Term of Acceptance - General Data Protection Law (LGPD): this content is a suggestion of an acceptance term that can be changed by the customer.
This content will be presented in the first step of the process. and the candidate will be asked to accept these terms.

Address Data: this content will be the candidate's responsibility to complete .
The zip code field when filled in automatically, it will feed the other fields, minus number and complement.

Dependents Data: this content will be the candidate's responsibility to fill in the dependents stage and attachments can be defined for the dependents.

To see how they are the admission processes under your responsibility can be used the central of tasks .
In this query it is possible to view delays and also for those who have manager role , you can view all the hirings that are taking place .
In addition to the processes, there is a consultation panel of subscriptions: Finalized, Canceled and Pending.
Consult admission processes

Consult admission documents
The admission documents are available in the electronic document management , where the necessary access level can be configured .
In addition to browsing the folders to search for documents , it is possible to access documents through the search field.
This document area can also be used to store other employee documents , and for clients in the SaaS model, the issue of available space and new hires in case of expanding the space must be evaluated.
There is also control of expiring documents and reports to help manage the document repository.

An admission process can be canceled and eliminated, as well as its documents, this can be done through the routine in the process menu.
Delete admission documents